VA Community Care Network
We are in network with the VA (veterans affairs) for service-connected military veterans who are not able to be scheduled for an appointment at the VA within 30 days or live outside of a 50-mile radius from the VA location.

Disease Management & Sick visits:
Hypertension, Urinary Tract Infections, Bronchitis, Cold, Ear infections, Headaches, Migraines, Joint pain, Back pain, Pink eye, Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Upper Respiratory Infection, strains, Athletes foot, Scabies, dermatology: acne, psoriasis or Physicals, STD treatment

PAP Smears

Lip Fillers

Allergy Testing and Treatment

​EMSzero Neo HI-EMT Body Slimming Build Muscles Machine ​
Blood work: in-office blood draw

Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Initial Consult: no insurance $325
2. Prostate and minimal physical exam
3. labs
4. Consult for pros and cons, method choice and risk
5. once labs are clear: call script in
6. All treatment: check testosterone 2 weeks after initial dose then monthly until therapeutic ($40.00 each check)
10. Once at therapeutic level, make appt for 3, 6 and 12 months recheck all labs and exam ($275.00 no insurance)
note: must have a low testosterone count on 2 separate occasions and symptoms to be treated.

Wellness visits

Medication Refill
